Investigating Google and the American Laws

In our media law and literacy class we discussed the history surrounding the civil war in the 1860's, with it being clear that slavery was the central issue that resulted in the war. The northern and southern states fighting over a difference in opinion. Following the war, the thirteenth amendment was then put into place abolishing slavery, and the fourteenth amendment gave African-Americans citizenship. These laws that are put into place are crucial in keeping the alignments of society, so that people are not violating or stepping on the freedoms that those around you have been granted.

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[Pictured Above: Google Logo]
[Link to Article: ]

A situation regarding a breech in violating the human right to privacy came about in the news this past week, involving the popular web engine Google. Many states have begun to do their on investigations on the claims that Google is overly dominating the online advertising market in its internet searches. The company have been accused of breaking the antitrust law with their overtaking of the Internet search engines. To define the antitrust law, it is also referred to as the competition law and was developed to ensure fair competition exists in the economy. These laws are set in place so that consumers can have multiple options and the businesses can have competition in the market. The situation with Google is that they promote their own businesses and partners when you search on their engine before giving you the rest of the responses. This is creating an unfair playing field as they are taking over the market entirely, leaving no chance for their competitors to thrive in their individual businesses especially for smaller companies with lower advertising budgets. The U.S Justice Department has already begun investigations on Google, as well as Facebook, who is undergoing a similar issue. The situation is still ongoing, but I believe that this breech in one of the human rights laws should be greatly discussed and further investigated. Looking back at the laws and amendments we covered in class, it looks like the beloved company of Google is finally showing their true colours and violating the freedoms that they have been granted. 


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