Choosing the Most Important Value of Expression

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Looking at the eight values of free expression, I believe that the most important of the group would be the promotion of innovation. This is the idea that if free speech is protected by our laws, people will become more likely to express themselves creatively. Overall, developing an advanced society that is constantly innovating new creations, and moving forwards in its growth. I think that this is most likely an underrated value when you compare it to the safety value, in which if people speak their mind freely then it will resort in less violence, or the discovery of truth in which when people freely grapple the truth will win out. Although these others have true importances, if people use their freedom of speech to think innovatively, then it will keep our society advancing as opposed to keeping our ideas bland and failing to make the necessary steps ahead. Originalism is key to our society so that it will remain diverse, allow for different inventions, chime in opposing perspectives and make advanced decisions on how our society is run based on the multiple points of view. The "Living Originalism" text by Jack M. Balkin, who wrote about how both the liberal and conservative political parties bring important views to developing our society from varying perspectives. Overall developing the valued roles in constitutional construction, and offering a way past the angry written words of attack or hate that are often used when people disagree on a topic.  


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