Swipe Right -- Looking into the Impact of Technology on a Global Scale

Image result for tinder compared to meeting in real life
[more information on the Tinder screened intimacies concept: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2056305116641976]

The world has become a place that is consumed by technology everywhere you look. From our laptops and televisions, to social media and streaming on our phones. The concept of people becoming trapped behind their screens, almost mimicking a jail cell itself, has become more evident now that ever before. It is often times difficult to even have a brief conversation with people before they turn to check their phone notifications. Our society as a whole has become so dependent on these devices that we see them as a need for survival. An entire group of people could be hanging out together, and instead of simply enjoying the company of one another, they feel the need to post videos, comments or messages about the event for all of their friends to see. We have begun putting this unspoken pressure on one another to document and share every second of our lives, otherwise its like it didn't event happen.

Tinder as well as other social dating applications set a prime example for how our connection with one another has changed over the years. Meeting the love of your life used to consist of the person you shared a class with in school, someone you bumped into at the grocery store, a coworker, or maybe a mutual friend. Now, you choose the qualities of a potential partner based on their physical traits alone, along with maybe two brief facts about them. In my opinion, this is heartbreaking and throws away the excitement, the butterflies, and the thrill of naturally finding the perfect person for you. Have we become so dependent on technology to do everything for us, that's it's even choosing our love lives? People need to take a step back, and truly look at the impact our attachment to technology has had on the world. Has it really been a benefit to us? Or is it our greatest downfall on humanity?


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