My Presentation of the Invention of the Computer

Image result for global internet usage
[GIF graphic of Internet usage growth over time, and across the world.]

In our history of new technologies presentation for class, I researched on the topic of the invention of the computer. My presentation firstly highlighted a summarized timeline of the events leading to our modern idea of computers. It began in 1822 when English mathematician Charles Babbage, created a steam-driven calculating machine that would compute a table of numbers. Before Babbage came along, a "computer" was a person who sat around all day, adding and subtracting numbers and entering these results into tables. Years later in 1936, Alan Turning created a machine that was capable of computing anything that is computable. These methods and theories are what our current computers are based off of. Flash forward to 1984 when the Apple computer launched its first creation of the Macintosh. This bulky computer featured 128kb of memory whereas the modern computers have 8 million kb. Later on in 2002, the world's fastest earth simulator supercomputer is developed by the Japanese government to create global climate models. These large rooms of computers are still being used across the globe for military and other use. Next in 2008, Apple strikes the world again with the release of the MacBook Air. This was a revolution to their large, clunky computers instead providing consumers with a light, thin laptop with a high-capacity battery. In a more recent release, as recent as yesterday (October 2nd, 2019), Microsoft pitched their Surface Neo to the world, which is a book format device with two screens [see image below].

Image result for microsoft surface neoImage result for microsoft surface neo
[Microsoft Surface Neo, October 2nd 2019 pitch.]

Overall, the computer is more important than we realize and is something that we often take for granted. We rely on computers for our jobs, social networking, researching, communication, humanitarian efforts, etc. The GIF graphic presented at the top of the post highlights the importance by presenting the growth in Internet usage across time throughout the world. 

Link to more information on the timeline of the computer:


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